Let's Make a Music!

A comedy podcast that makes new music based on your title suggestions.

Out There — LMaM 20

It's time we rounded out our universe — or should I say, our Galilei Galaxy. What did the Astral Projection PI find? How will the story end for our intrepid Goblin? Is the Medium Rare finally rich? And just who is Galileo Galilei? All these questions are definitely asked, but who can say if they're answered.

You can get the full EP on https://letsmakeamusic.bandcamp.com

Also, we're headed on a little Summer Break! We'll be back in Autumn, so watch our twitter (https://twitter.com/letsmakeamusic) in late August/early September for when we start calling for song title suggestions again!

Stalagmighty — LMaM 17

There's something deep down in everyone's goblin brain that makes you want to collect crystals. And in this song, it's a literal goblin's brain. And it's connected with the Astral Projection PI. The lore is getting deep.

Mr. 1981 — LMaM 10

In this episode, we learn who the Simon Cowell of the podcast is, and we learn what formidable means. And then we talk a lot about muscular kangaroos.

OUR NEW EP IS OUT! Check it out at https://letsmakeamusic.bandcamp.com

Song of Green Bastion — LMaM 5

Welcome to the halls of Green Bastion. It’s full of opossums and is definitely not at all related to the Redwall series. Come get it, HBO.

Also, the album of our first five songs is now out on Bandcamp! Check out "The Comeback EP": https://letsmakeamusic.bandcamp.com